Birthphotographie Contest 2024

Die diesjährigen Gewinnerinnen des Wettbewerbs um die schönsten Geburtsfotos - rührende, dramatische und intime Augenblicke, eingefangen mit sensibler Kamera.

Achtung! Kann verstörende Bilder enthalten.

Contest Gewinnerinnen

BEST OVERALL - FIRST PLACE: Nora Dalmasso of Nora Dalmasso Fografia "Holding Hands"

Overall Category Winners

BEST IN BIRTH DETAILS - Luma Braz of Luma Braz Fotografia "Ponte Entres os Mundo"
BEST IN HARDSHIP & LOSS - Kyra Wijnhausen of Earth Side Doula Care "Generation Lost"
BEST IN POSTPARTUM - Jessica Innemee of Vi-Photography "A whole story in one image"
BEST IN LABOR - Chinelle Rojas of Tampa Birth Photographer "Relax, Soften, Open"

2024 Subcategory Winners

BEST IN BIRTH DETAILS: DOCUMENTARY - Jessica Innemee of Vi-Photography "Feet First"
BEST IN BIRTH DETAILS: BLACK & WHITE - Ania Wibig of Obiektywnie Najpiękniejsze "Focusing"
BEST IN BIRTH DETAILS: FINE ART - Tiarra Doherty of Mother Wolf Birth Photography "Vernix and Breastmilk Rings"
BEST IN LABOR: BLACK & WHITE - Emily Santi of Emily Santi Birth Photography "In the Shadows"
BEST IN LABOR: DOCUMENTARY - Natalie Broders of Portland Birth Photographer Natalie Broders "Unyielding Resolve: Pushing through"
BEST IN LABOR: FINE ART - Laura Brink of Rewild Her "Heart Hold"
BEST IN DELIVERY: DOCUMENTARY - Settia Tin of Hello Baby Geboortefotografie "Reflections of Birth"
BEST IN DELIVERY: FINE ART - Isabell Steinert of Isabell Steinert Fotografie "Raw Embrace"
BEST IN DELIVERY: BLACK & WHITE - Lauren Maggi of Lauren Maggi Photography & Doula "Into their hands"
BEST IN POSTPARTUM: FINE ART - Lisa Weingardt of Little Loo Photo + Film "Finally Face to Face"
BEST IN POSTPARTUM: BLACK & WHITE - Karoline Saadi of Karoline Saadi Fotografia "Hello my little sister"
BEST IN POSTPARTUM: DOCUMENTARY - Colleen Murtha of Colleen Murtha Photography "Nebula of Love"

2024 Members’ Choice Awards 

First Place & MEMBERS' CHOICE: BEST OVERALL - Kyra Wijnhausen of Earthside Doula Care "The Weight of Loss"
MEMBERS' CHOICE: BEST IN BIRTH DETAILS - Julie Francom of Julie Francom Birth Stories "Beyond the Veil"
MEMBERS' CHOICE: BEST IN DELIVERY - Nicole Hamic of Nicole Hamic, Doula and Photographer "By Morning Light"
MEMBERS' CHOICE: BEST IN LABOR - Larissa van de Geer of Larissa Shootsmemories "Power Couple"
MEMBERS' CHOICE: BEST IN POSTPARTUM - Sophie Bailey of WIld Mama Photography "Tue Love"

Honorable Mentions

Martha Lerner of zenmamalove "Miracle #2"
Hanna Troch of Hanna Troch Geboortefotografie "Bubble"
Inge Berken of Inge Berken Fotografie "Her baby, her birth, her way (Maternal Assisted Caesarean)"
Sarah Turner of Birth Photography Berlin "Attitude"

Die In­ter­na­tio­nal As­so­cia­ti­on of Pro­fes­sio­nal Birth Pho­to­graph­ers (IAPBP) ist ein Ver­band, wel­cher wer­den­den El­tern (bis jetzt haupt­säch­lich in den USA) die Su­che nach ei­ner pro­fes­sio­nel­len Ge­burts­fo­to­gra­fin oder ei­nes Fo­to­gra­fen er­leich­tern möch­te. Er hat es sich zu­dem zum Ziel ge­setzt, wer­den­den El­tern, Fo­to­gra­fen und Ge­burts­hel­fern durch Auf­klä­rung und In­for­ma­tio­nen den Ge­burts­pro­zess nä­her zu brin­gen.

Je­des Jahr führt die IAPBP ei­nen Wett­be­werb durch, bei dem die schöns­ten und emo­tio­nals­ten Bil­der ge­kürt wer­den.

Die Bil­der wur­den uns zur Ver­fü­gung ge­stellt von: In­ter­na­tio­nal As­so­cia­ti­on of Pro­fes­sio­nal Birth Pho­to­graph­ers 2024 Image Com­pe­ti­ti­on

Letzte Aktualisierung: 28.03.2024, swissmom-Redaktion